Short Story Challenge

So, I posted that I’ll write a short story for the first 3 people to request one on the Facebook.  All I need is a suggestion and a genre. I’ll post the stories here if they’re any good.  I hope this is a fun/good idea.  


Venture Theatre Character Death Totals

Venture Theatre was a theatre I opened and ran from 2005 – 2009.  We did original scripts and I got to work with some of the greatest most creative writers, directors, actors, and crew that I’ve ever worked with.  We also had a fair amount of characters killed off.  Here’s a list and the method … Read more


Bad Stories for Bad Children

I’ve got a handful of weird stories about bad/weird kids who end up having terrible things happen to them.  A lot of them are eaten or otherwise disfigured.  The plan is to put them into a collection of stories called “Bad Stories for Bad Children”, which is a catchy title, but not as accurate as … Read more


Don’t Pay Me for this Painting

So, I created this painting.  I was planning on making copies of it and selling it to thousands of people.  I was going to make small refrigerator magnets with it so the joy could spread.  Every time you’d head to the fridge to make yourself a chicken salad sandwich you’d see this little painting, have … Read more


Audio Version of “Mister Koon”

I wrote this weird story awhile back.  Just recently had my good and talented friend Tony Mayer record it in audio form.  I’d call it a monologue, because it’s one person talking, but it’s really too long to be a staged monologue (or maybe not, I don’t know how good your audience’s attention span is…but … Read more


Monologue Made into Film: Russian Roulette

I wrote this monologue many years ago.  It won the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Rising Phoenix Award… which is impressive to me, because I never attended the UW-GB. A couple years back someone contacted me, wanted to make a film version of the monologue.  I rewrote it as a film script (link below).  This film … Read more