Orson Chapter 11

I’m just full of self-deprecation today. Here’s a chapter. It’s really short. I can’t imagine trying to read this basically one page per week. How do you people do it?? You’re amazing. Orson Chapter 11 If you’re new to this, or need to catch up, you can get caught up here: Orson Chps 1-10  



This is a short monologue/story from a musical I wrote called “DreamBound”. “But, Mike!” you say, “Where’s the rest of this “DreamBound” play you keep talking about. Well, a couple of things; first off it’s a little more complicated to put a musical up here then other pieces. Secondly, the script of “DreamBound” is in … Read more


The Adventures of Johnny Lemon

For my Grandmother’s 80’s birthday the family put together a compilation of memories and stories for her. I don’t know which family member knew this story, but as the story goes Janet Barney (my Grandma’s maiden name) went out west… I can’t remember where “out west”, but in my mind it’s like the Ol’West of … Read more


Orson Chapter 10

Hey Orson-ites… you know who you are. Sorry for the delay this week. I’ve got a couple legitimate excuses. First, I was traveling a lot in the past couple of days, performing shows on the road. Also, this chapter is actually two different options of a chapter. They’re both fiction written by the character Orson. … Read more


Orson Chapter 9

On the one hand, these chapters are short, so they don’t take much time to read. On the other hand, they’re short and if I keep posting them weekly we’ll get to the “end” (up to the part where I stopped writing) in about 3 years. If you’re an impatient sort, you have my sympathy. … Read more


Todd, you’re flat!

I can’t take credit for this joke. It was from a bit me and my daughter were doing in the car. For some reason we were pretending to be singing frogs. I made a couple frog noises, then she made one that was a straight up “ribbit” then quickly switched character voices to the frog … Read more


“Orson” Chapter 8

Here we meet a new couple of characters and hear about two other new characters. If you haven’t read the other chapters, you can catch up here: “Orson” The chapters are typically only a page or two long, so it shouldn’t take too long to catch up. Or, if you’re a really cool person you’re already … Read more


The Professor

This is a painting I did a couple of years back. It’s been hanging in my club since then. People seem to like it a lot and often ask if they can buy it… the answer so far has been “no.” However, now I’ve made a copy of it and can make prints. I don’t … Read more