How to Write Good: It’s already been written
Here’s the latest How to Write Good. I talk about the one act play “Al of the Night”…. as it turns out, in the video I’m talking about an earlier draft of the play, see if you can find the differences.
Here’s the latest How to Write Good. I talk about the one act play “Al of the Night”…. as it turns out, in the video I’m talking about an earlier draft of the play, see if you can find the differences.
For no good reason it’s taken me awhile to get this video up. In the video I reference these pieces: Mr. Koon Mr. Koon Audio
There’s a web-series show that I do every other month with a group of fun and funny folks. We drink beer and play boardgames… simple but brilliant concept. New episode up now:
So, I posted that I’ll write a short story for the first 3 people to request one on the Facebook. All I need is a suggestion and a genre. I’ll post the stories here if they’re any good. I hope this is a fun/good idea.
Venture Theatre was a theatre I opened and ran from 2005 – 2009. We did original scripts and I got to work with some of the greatest most creative writers, directors, actors, and crew that I’ve ever worked with. We also had a fair amount of characters killed off. Here’s a list and the method … Read more
So, I created this painting. I was planning on making copies of it and selling it to thousands of people. I was going to make small refrigerator magnets with it so the joy could spread. Every time you’d head to the fridge to make yourself a chicken salad sandwich you’d see this little painting, have … Read more
I wrote this weird story awhile back. Just recently had my good and talented friend Tony Mayer record it in audio form. I’d call it a monologue, because it’s one person talking, but it’s really too long to be a staged monologue (or maybe not, I don’t know how good your audience’s attention span is…but … Read more
I wrote this monologue many years ago. It won the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Rising Phoenix Award… which is impressive to me, because I never attended the UW-GB. A couple years back someone contacted me, wanted to make a film version of the monologue. I rewrote it as a film script (link below). This film … Read more
This video features a screenplay written by myself and Matt Sloan: “Springfield”
I reference this monologue: The Devil’s Candy and this play: Lustful Youth