Hug Blog Day #6: Now with Pictures!

Had a performance in Algoma, Wisc today. Their elementary school’s theatre is being rebranded as the Algoma Performing Arts Center. It’s more than just a cute idea. They’re bringing in music acts , comedy, other performance. Open to the public. Any profit they make after paying the performers goes to local charity groups. It’s a … Read more


Hug Blog Day #5

I need to figure out a way to spread the hugs throughout the day. Yesterday I collected all 5 (and more) between 7 – 8 p.m.  People are on board with the idea. Some approach me, mostly I still do the approaching. I go and seek the hugs.  I did, however, get called out for … Read more


Hug Blog Day #4

Got my hugs in later in the day and all within an hour. I wonder how I can spread these out through the day. Got a bonus hug from the kid today, normally I don’t see her on Thursdays… hooray for volleyball games! The other hugs. I went in to work (ComedyCity. Last night was … Read more


Hug Blog Day #3

Wednesdays are the night that I get to see my improv troupe, so there were plenty of hugs to be had. In fact, so many that I hesitate to give a number or list off the people because I don’t want to leave anyone out. (perhaps an incomplete list: Craig, Sean, Jeff, Josiah, Jacob, Laurie, … Read more


Hug Blog Day #2

I have to admit I was a bit concerned about today’s hugs. As I said previously, Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays are days that I potentially don’t see anyone except my daughter. I put out a post saying I needed to get 4 more hugs today. This time, there were less “likes” and no direct offers. … Read more


Hug Blog Day #1

Future Entries will be shorter, but ya’ gotta have the set up entry first: “I’ve been reading a lot lately about good mental health and simple ways to get happy. One thing I’ve read over and over is getting/giving 5 – 8 hugs a day. (The other methods to happiness don’t necessarily require help from … Read more


250 Improv: React Like a Human

There’s a lot of pressure to “be funny” when doing improv. Especially if you’re performing on a stage, with lights and a paying audience. People paid real money to see some funny, so you’d better be funny. That’s a lot of pressure.   Unfortunately, this pressure makes us not act like normal humans. The term … Read more


250 Improv: Listen with your Eyes

I have a phrase “Listen with your eyes.” It’s basically saying “look” instead of “see.” Like the difference between “Listen” and “Hear.” We’re hearing things constantly. Currently, I can hear my keyboard clicking and the box fan whirring, but I’m not really Listening to them. When doing an improv scene with someone there are times … Read more


250 Improv: Suggestions from Fear

I’ve been performing improvisational comedy for more than 25 years. Only recently I’ve noticed something about getting suggestions from an audience. Here’s the theory; when we’re put on the spot, it’s frightening. Not scary like being attacked by a lion, but there’s the feeling that everyone is looking at you. That you’re suddently the center … Read more