Grammar Nazis

Let’s talk a little bit about grammar, shall we?  First, in interest of full disclosure, you should know that I’m an English major.  I graduated in 1994 from Saint Norbert College in De Pere, WI.  That said, I’m still not very good a the grammar thing.   In fact, I’m going to guess that I’ve … Read more


Blue and Grey Lady

This is one of a series of paintings done by myself and two other painter friends of mine, C.J. Guzan and Lawrence March.  The series is called “Dames Drinking Hootch”  this is the Blue and Grey Lady (unless or until a different title occurs to us.) The original is 4 feet tall and 2 feet … Read more


Excuses and Teasers

I wish I was better at updating this site.  I guess it’s one of those things where no one’s really pounding on my door asking for more content, so I just post when the mood strikes.  Anyone else in the artistic world struggle with this?  The idea that you need to self-motivate. I’ve a background … Read more


I’m on a Podcast

So, I’ve been on this podcast for a little more than a year now.  It’s pretty fun… I think… We record it live on stage, for a pretty small audience, most of who know us.  So, I need your thoughts/opinions.   If you don’t really know me, or Scott or John (the other two on … Read more