Gif Test
I learned how to make gifs.
I learned how to make gifs.
About 3 1/2 years ago a couple things happened simultaneously. I turned 40 and my girlfriend of 3 years broke up with me. Guess which one hurt more? The break-up still haunts me to this day. Every other previous relationship I’d had either broke up because I did something stupid and/or detrimental, or I had … Read more
Hello Friends. So, a little while back I made a weak stab at the “Write a Novel in a Month” thing for the month of November. I made it two and a half days in… like I said.. weak stab. The main problem was the start. It’s like stumbling on the starting blocks, really … Read more
In the continued posting of the episodes of “Beer and Boardgames” I’ve been on, here’s this fun one. In my life I’ve had the opportunity to do prank calls before, but this is the only documented one. It’s pretty good, if I do say so myself. The game that we play kinda sucks, but … Read more
This past weekend we had some amazing shows (sold out all weekend!) and did some really great improvisational comedy. I had a chance to create a fun and funny character and a couple of things occurred to me. #1. I was utilizing improv lessons I had recently taught. I teach improv to a group of … Read more
Years back I saw an infomercial with my pal Matt Sloan. It was for Dr. Sobakowa’s Sleep Pillow. The pillow was filled with buckwheat husks, which were apparently more comfortable (?) Also offered in the commercial were “Doctor Sobakowa’s Sleep Tips”. It was late, we were most likely drinking, either way laughed ourselves into fits … Read more
I’ve been traveling for comedy a bunch in the last 5 days. So much so, that a couple of things got shoved to the back burner. My promise to myself (now broken… don’t worry, I’ll take me back.) was to post something on this site every weekday. Entertain whoever is reading this, even if it’s … Read more
Second day in, and it’s already a problem keeping up. It would help if I had some idea where the story was going. I did create a terrible character name “Chance Worthington”… sounds like a name from a romance novel. Also, not sure the tone of the book either. Based on a couple humorous moments … Read more
November is Write a Novel Month. This happens to me every November… I remember it’s “Write a Novel Month” a week into the month, so I’m already 8000 word behind, but I’ll catch up… maybe. It’ll be easier if the story takes off. Only time and work will tell if that’s the case. The plan, … Read more
This is a song from “3 Bears” a Children’s Musical I wrote. In this version, Baby Bear is part of a student exchange program with a family of French bears. Baby Bear hates porridge. French Baby Bear loves porridge, so he sings this song. I’m on the vocals doing a ~crazy~ french accent. … Read more